Lung carcinomas derive from transformed, malignant cells that originate as epithelial cells, or from tissues composed of epithelial cells. Lymphomas and melanomas (from lymphoid and melanocyte cell lineages) can also rarely result in it.

Why is lung cancer screening important?

More people die of it than any other cancer every year. Early screening has helped reduce the mortality rate of it, but it can be lower if we can diagnose more patients sooner. Early diagnosis means we can more effectively treat patients, which increases their chance of survival.

Who should be screened?

Anyone age 55 and older who currently is or has been a smoker for over 30 “pack years” [number of packs a day smoked multiplied by year—for example, one pack a day for 30 years, or two packs a day for 15 years] is a candidate for lung cancer screening.

How does one start the screening process?

If you’re at risk, talk to your primary care physician or a lung specialist about screening. He or she can discuss your risk factors and answer any questions or concerns.

How safe is the screening?

A low-dose CT scan is the safest and most effective form of lung cancer screening. It takes roughly five minutes and can detect signs of the early stages of lung cancer that an X-ray often misses.

What happens if something is found?

A panel of lung cancer specialists reviews each case and works with each individual patient to determine the best course of care. Ten years ago, it diagnosis was a death sentence. Today, thanks to new treatments, screening and early detection, that doesn’t have to be the case.

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Why is lung cancer screening important?

More people die of it than any other cancer every year. Early screening has helped reduce the mortality rate of it, but it can be lower if we can diagnose more patients sooner. Early diagnosis means we can more effectively treat patients, which increases their chance of survival.

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